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a sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body...

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so... i'm making a website.

like everyone else who has a neocities website in 2025, i'm mostly doing this as kind of a personal online space. i feel like neocities isn't as public as other social media, even though i don't know that for sure. people can still see this website, i guess... but it feels more niche and less follower-centric than something like tiktok or bluesky. i want to talk about things i like without being bothered with people i know finding it accidentally or being followed by a bunch of porn bots. also, i like how neocities isn't monitored or censored like many other social medias... like... i can say "porn bot" or "suicide" without being booted off the site or bombarded with helplines. i didn't really get to enjoy the wild-west era of the world wide web because i was like two. so i'm hoping to get a little taste of that freedom and joy as well.

other than that, being in college has really shown me how much more i like to talk than my peers. not in like an "i'm not like other girls" way, but i've felt like i don't have a social "outlet" of sorts like i did a year ago. therapy is something like that but it's more goal oriented and i can't tell my therapist anything serious without risking inpatient, and that really doesn't fit into my schedule right now. i guess i won't list anything too personal about myself just in case but that's more for satiating my paranoia than any real risk of my friends finding this. i feel as though in online spaces now there's a push to really center your account around one thing like fashion or makeup and i want to be able to post about a lot of different things, so hopefully this can act as that sort of space. also, i really want to complain about stuff that i don't like.

i really doubt anyone will see this website and be interested in contacting me for further discussion. i won't be linking any of my social media or anything just to really keep this separate from all my other stuff. if for some reason you do want to get into contact with me, you can follow my tumblr which has the username tbpoe. it used to be my art blog but i really didn't like the stuff i was uploading so now i mostly use it to stalk thinspo blogs and find music.

some things that have been on my mind recently

  • why do entry level internships always require so many things from their applicants? i shouldn't have to be on my knees sucking their dick for an unpaid position with no stipend or housing.
  • should i move to a different country? without birth control my life would be a living hell of stained bedsheets and hundreds of dollars spent on ibuprofen pills.
  • i thought college was going to be a place that is more suited for me socially. why do people not talk to each other? how are they making friends when they can't even hold the door for other people?

some media i've been consuming

  1. maybe an unhealthy amount of DEVO. they're opening for MCR and i didn't want to drop that much on tickets, but my brother did and i don't know if he's fully aware of how jealous i am he's going to get to see them.
  2. severance on apple tv - just like everyone else on the internet right now. i'm totally loving it. god don't leave me in a room alone with helly. or mr milchick.
  3. the menu. it finally came back on netflix and i watched it with my girlfriend. it was pretty good and i liked the plot but i really prefer a movie with better lighting.

currently: trying to figure out what hair color i want. here i'm going to put some shades next to each other and then dwell on which one is the coolest for a week until i make up my mind.

green blue pink pastelpink green purple